Did Newton Predict the End of the World in 2060?
In a letter written in 1704, Newton analyzed religious texts and attempted to mathematically calculate the end of the world.
How Did Newton Arrive at the Year 2060?
Newton based his calculations on numbers found in the Book of Daniel (Old Testament) and the Book of Revelation (New Testament). These texts reference the numbers 1260, 1290, and 2300, which are often interpreted as symbolic time markers.
Many religious scholars interpret one day as one year in biblical prophecy.
Newton applied this principle and arrived at the year 2060.
Was Newton’s Prediction Scientific or Religious?
Newton was not just a scientist but also a Protestant theologian.
His calculations were based on biblical texts rather than scientific evidence.
Modern science does not support any evidence of a global catastrophe in 2060.
Will the World Really End in 2060?
Newton’s prediction is a religious interpretation rather than a scientific forecast. While his mathematical approach to biblical prophecy is fascinating, modern scholars consider it a historical curiosity rather than an actual doomsday prediction.